Friday, March 27, 2009

I've been getting a lot of questions about how Alia and Asher both looked at around the same age. So for those of you curious, here you go!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 7: How to Play a Saxophone

Asher's newest musical instrument seems to be a very rare type of saxophone that is meant to be played from the bell, rather than the mouthpiece. I didn't think they existed anymore but Asher insists.

Week 7 has arrived for Alia. She's getting more alert every day.

I love this photo of her because it's a rare shot of her not being fussy in the evening.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 6

We took a little road trip last weekend and while Asher was having a little snack, he suddenly decided to have a nap too. We couldn't help but laugh when we saw his hand resting in his bag of almonds.
It turns out the sweater Alia is wearing was made by my mother for me. I couldn't help getting a little teary knowing that though Ma is gone, she is still a part of my children's lives. The picture on the right is of me wearing the sweater with my Oma (Dad's mom).
Here's a pic of Week 6. Compare to Week 2:
She's getting bigger every day!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Asher Finds the Camera

As I was writing the last blog, Asher found the camera. Here is the result of his documentation of the following five minutes:

Settling in

I feel like we're finally settling in to a routine. When I was pregnant with Alia, I heard advice from parents of more than one child. I heard, two kids is four times the work of one kid. I heard that the first 6 months is the hardest. I can't say anything about the latter we haven't gotten through 6 months yet, but I can say that so far, Asher and Alia are not four times the work. Though there are many nights I beg Alia to just fall asleep and ask Asher for the umpteenth time to stop banging on the table, window, or door (sometimes all of the above). Just watching Asher hold Alia or help me by holding the diaper cream or latching Alia into her car seat makes me smile.
So here we are at Week 5. Alia grows like a weed and Asher still makes me laugh at least 5 times a day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 4

Alia at one month old. She now weighs 8 lbs, 7 oz. This is a gain from 6 lbs, 14 oz at birth. She's getting nice and chubby!

A good photo of the big brother too.